Our Purpose

To advance the Messianic Faith in accordance with our Statement of Faith particularly in the County of Surrey and the South East of England but also in other parts of the United Kingdom and the world when opportunties arise.

To serve as a living testimony to Messiah Yeshua within the Jewish community.

To encourage a Torah based lifestyle within Yeshua’s teachings for both Jew by Birth and Jew by Choice.

To allow for the Jewish follower of Messiah a place where he/she may feel safe in their cultural and national identity and practices, where these do not conflict with the Torah/Biblical truth.

To combat anti-Semitism in all its forms.

To repudiate and combat replacement theology in all its forms.

To encourage and advance the spiritual growth, Biblical knowledge and welfare of all its members.

To develop an understanding of and application of the Jewish roots of our faith.

To demonstrate our unity with the whole body of Messiah Yeshua.

To encourage aliyah.